Nearly half of the world’s population doesn’t know what mobile phishing attacks are, according to a new report: The Everywhere Enterprise from MobileIron. This is especially concerning for organizations that are looking for permanent solutions to remote work, considering 72% of employees find their mobile devices important to ensure productivity important while working remotely.
With one-third of employees worldwide considering IT security to be a low priority, it’s time to start decreasing the risk of cyberattack by educating yourself and your employees about cybersecurity.
What is a mobile phishing attack?
Mobile phishing attacks are different from typical phishing campaigns that target workstations and laptops. The mobile platform gives cybercriminals a wider scope in which to work and deliver malicious links for installing malware including SMS, social media, messaging platforms, and even dating apps.
As people tend to use (and trust) their mobile devices more, this can make them less attentive to the possibility of receiving attacks this way.
Security Awareness Training for Mobile Phishing Attacks
Just as education was given to your employees on the proper methods while working from home, your users also need training to become security-aware. Using security awareness training methods will help your users to spot phishing attacks and strengthen your human firewall while working remotely.
Imagineering is proud to be a KnowBe4 partner, the leader in Security Awareness Training. We have experience setting up and deploying fully automated randomized mobile phishing attacks for you to train and test your employees and keep your business safe for the long haul.