3 Common Misconceptions of the Cloud

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Misconceptions Of The Cloud

According to the majority of global IT decision-makers, 95 percent of all workloads will be in the Cloud within the next five years (LogicMonitor, 2020). Yet businesses across the globe are still hesitant to make the switch.

It seems simple enough: storing files and software programs in the Cloud so you can access them anywhere. Business models are transitioning this way, so why are people running from the Cloud?

Here are 3 common misconceptions we hear most:

Misconception #1: “My Data is Not Secure”

In many situations, the Cloud is more secure than traditional on-premise solutions. As threats evolve and more sophisticated attacks emerge, it has become more important than ever for businesses to embrace a Cloud model that fits their specific security measures needed.

The most common cloud model, Public Clouds, are owned and operated by Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft. With advantages such as lower costs and minimal maintenance, Amazon and Microsoft come with high reliability and security for your business.

Private Clouds, although less common, can integrate a high level of security as well, as they are used by just one organization, and maintained by that organization. Private Clouds are most typically seen in government and large corporations.

Misconception #2: “Without Internet, I Can’t Work”

While this concept is technically true, it is also true with physical servers. Without the Internet, you will only be able to access your files that are stored locally, not in the Cloud or on your network.

When you work in the Cloud, you reap the benefits of Amazon and Microsoft’s data centers which have failover servers. Server failover allows a backup server to automatically take over if the primary server goes offline, providing the access you need to stay productive.

Misconception #3: “It Costs More Than a Traditional Server”

Simply put, the Cloud does not cost more than a traditional server. With the shift in how we run our business, also comes a shift in the payment structure. Instead of putting money down on a physical server upfront, then spending money on heating/cooling costs and maintenance, a Cloud subscription provides all of these features.

Cloud Computing is 40X more cost-effective compared to in house systems for small to medium sized businesses

According to Multisoft Virtual Academy, Cloud Computing is 40x more cost-effective compared to in-house IT systems for small to medium-sized businesses. If financial benefit alone is not enough, socially conscious companies can also rest assured that the Cloud also benefits the environment.

It’s time to move past these three common misconceptions and move your business to the Cloud.

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