Whether you are constructing a brand new building or remodeling your existing office space, it is no secret you have a lot to consider. Just as you spend time evaluating different construction companies, you must also evaluate your technology options and business practices.
Technology cannot get overlooked during the planning process, even though it may seem easier to just do the same thing you’ve always done. It can be overwhelming, and that is why the team of experts at Imagineering and Marawood Construction Services are here to help.
The following 3 items should be top of mind when you enter the planning stage of your building process:
1. Internet
Your business needs to be connected to function efficiently. The right internet services are key to making sure your business can stay-up-to-date and you can access everything you need to when you need to.
When building, it is important to map out where connected internet is needed and where wireless access points should be located. This is especially important if you are building a warehouse and need reliable wireless internet throughout the building.
2. Infrastructure
It is important to look at building infrastructure to determine how you need to cable and set up your network. If you are building new, you can customize it to your needs, but you should engage your IT provider before you do any space planning. This will help ensure you can get connectivity to every employee and workstation.
“There is a lot to think about when remodeling or constructing a new build,” says Brooke Petska, Director of Business Development for Marawood Construction Services. “All too often we see technology either get put on the back burner or forgotten about altogether. When we meet with a client, technology is at the forefront of considerations because it’s how you run your day-to-day operations. It’s vital to work with an IT company, like Imagineering, who thinks of these things before it’s too late in the building process.”
If you decide to have a data center or server room on-premise, you will need to ensure it can accommodate your hardware and control temperature changes. You should consider a separate AC unit to keep the room cool. It could also be of value to build it on a raised floor. Physical security is just as important, so ensuring there is a door on the room with a lock is key.
3. Software & Hardware
Purchasing the right technology for your users’ needs is an important step if you are building new office space. This is a good opportunity to review your current hardware and move existing systems to the cloud. Replacing whiteboards with tv monitors is another way to encourage collaboration and increase visibility.
With remote work on the rise, it may be a perfect time to move your business to the cloud so you are able to access your business from anywhere. If you are worried about moving your email server, move your business to Microsoft 365 and access your email from anywhere, securely.
Use this time to assess the software you’re using to ensure it will continue to meet your needs, now and in the future. Additionally, this would be a great time to refresh your security practices. Ensure Multi-Factor Authentication is turned on and required for all employees. Start a Security Awareness Training Program to educate your employees on how to spot phishing scams.
Unfortunately, this is not an exhaustive list of considerations you should take when constructing a new building. Don’t leave this important step in the hands of one single technology resource or administrative role. Engage a professional, like Imagineering, to help plan strategically for the long term and ensure business success.
Imagining How We Can Help?
With decades of experience, our technology and software solutions team can take your business to the next level and help you reach your goals. Contact us today to get started.